Client experiencing chronic pain who comes to me, went often through a long history of doctors , practitioners and diagnoses, who eventually got the sensation to be a bad patient.

Here the source of most pain conditions are described as a breakdown in the dialogue between the muscle and the brain that causes muscles to stay chronically contracted. Pain is a universal human experience that is 100% produced by the brain. Medication can help relieve pain to a limited extent, but more active measures are required to retrain the brain.

With this method, client learn to read the sensory language of the body, to reinterpreted their symptoms, not as an indication of a body defect, but as a protective mechanism which had gotten stuck somewhere. With this accompaniement, client will explore it, cultivate a curiosity towards their pain, and learn to stay open to listen to it. They will understand its psychobiology, learn what to do when pain appears to slowly discharge this survival oriented energy that had gotten stuck in their nervous system. 

With this accompaniement, client will explore it, cultivate a curiosity towards their pain, and learn to stay open to listen to it.

They might also discover that the root of the chronicle pain is to be found in old situations and they will learn to trust their own experience, no more being the bad patient. By developing their attention for their body mind system and its mecanisms , they will get new insight of the depth of their body intelligence. Their relation to pain will change, and will find it to be a fuel to investigate deeper their way out of the suffering.

The pain will lose this feeling of one solid and monolithic thing, and will be seen as something alive, constantly evolving, reacting, which be healed or better say can heal itself.

If you are interested by this work, contact me, we will set up our first meeting.


More fact about chronicle pain:

(Live Active Clinic, Australia, 2013)